May I introduce you Azelique cosmetics!
By using this skin care products you may:
- Reduce Hyperpigmentation, including Age Spots & Skin Darkening, with Clinically
- Tested Azelaic Acid (Azeloglicina®)
- Reduce & Relax Wrinkles with Clinically Tested Peptides (Argireline® & Matrixyl®)
- Remove Dead, Dry, Scaly Skin with Mechanical & Chemical (Glycolic Acid) Exfoliation
- Increase Skin Hydration with Deep Moisturizing Emollients & Humectants, (Hyaluronic)
- Acid. Reduce oxidative Skin Damage with Nutraceuticals and Botanicals
You can buy it from iherb and get 10$ off your first order! Juse use this code REQ532 in your iHerb basket.
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